Clinical Supervision
The requirements to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker per the Arkansas Social Work Licensing Board Website, “Licensed Certified Social Worker (LCSW) - A master's degree in social work from a program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education; two-years (4000 hours) postmaster's LCSW supervised social work experience; successful completion of a Board-approved examination; and has applied for a criminal background check and has not been found guilty of or pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to any of the offenses listed in A.C.A. 17-103-307”
Clinical Supervision
This service includes supervision plan development, 1-hour weekly face-to-face contact with LCSW, and completion of Supervision Evaluation.
LSW, LMSW, LCSW Study Groups
Preparing to take the ASWB exam to become a Licensed Social Worker? Take advantage of our face-to-face, one-on-one individual private tutoring, interactive, webinar, virtual and group study sessions.
Have you reached your limit to where you can go by yourself? Is it time to solicit the help of a Licensed Clinical Social Worker to assist you in becoming UNstuck in life? Let us help you utilize solution-focused therapy to assist you in processing the next steps to empower you to move to the next level.

In-Service & Training
TCOPS provides up-to-date, relevant, skilled training to optimize professional growth via teleconference.
***Contact us for Rates***

Continuing Education Units
TCOPS provides face-to-face, up-to date, relevant, skilled training to optimize professional growth and to allow Clinicians the opportunity to gain continuing education units while gaining knowledge.
***Contact us for Rates***

Community Support/
Educational Groups
Do you suffer from pain? Are you raising your grandchildren? Have you suffered a loss by death or caring for an ill loved one? Are you grieving a pet? Do you need more information regarding the services you qualify for or need? TCOPS offers a variety of subjects during flexible hours to meet your needs.
***Contact us for Rates***

The Chosen One Professional Services, LLC.